Canberra Ornithologists Group Mailing List (date)
December 31, 2005
- It's superb in Hawker, Paul Mahoney, 23:09
- happy new year, Geoffrey Dabb, 20:00
- RE:Painted Quail., terry gourlay, 16:13
- Hygienic Magpie Lark, Paul Fennell, 16:11
- more on leg crossing, Geoffrey Dabb, 15:41
- more on leg crossing, Martin and Frances, 09:28
December 30, 2005
- Common Koels, Barbara Allan, 18:54
- Remarkable birding experience this arvo..., James Rolevink, 17:49
- koel in griffith and elsewhere, Philip Veerman, 17:20
- Kelly Swamp, tom green, 16:58
- a clarification on tying birds legs together., Philip Veerman, 15:53
- more on leg crossing, Mark Clayton, 15:43
- Koel at Kambah, Philip Veerman, 15:32
- Hobby returning to Kambah nest?, Philip Veerman, 15:32
- koel in griffith, Geoffrey Dabb, 12:45
- koel in griffith, Martin and Frances, 11:57
- koel in griffith, shaun bagley, 11:39
- overhead projector?, Ian Fraser, 11:20
- a clarification, Mark Clayton, 08:10
December 29, 2005
- green crimson rosella., William Compston, 21:29
- koel in griffith, William Compston, 21:27
- Please explain!, Mark Clayton, 20:44
- Common Koel - Griffith, Lashko Susan, 18:16
- In the bird hide: "magnification", Geoffrey Dabb, 12:57
- Vernon the Ventriloquist, Geoffrey Dabb, 11:47
- Koel in Hughes, John Leonard, 07:14
December 28, 2005
- Tallaganda - 27 December, Marnix Zwankhuizen, 21:09
- Common Koel - Griffith, Nick Payne, 18:43
- standoff at the NBG, John Brannan, 18:03
- standoff at the NBG, Philip Veerman, 16:57
- Two questions..., Geoffrey Dabb, 14:52
- Identification please?, David Cook, 14:34
- Callum Brae AM, shaun bagley, 14:11
- Two questions..., Ian Fraser, 14:01
- standoff at the NBG, Ian Fraser, 13:52
- Two questions..., James Rolevink, 13:21
December 27, 2005
- Two questions..., Geoffrey Dabb, 21:14
- Two questions..., Philip Veerman, 18:20
- Two questions..., James Rolevink, 11:02
- Please explain!, Martin and Frances, 08:57
- Identification please?, David Cook, 08:07
December 25, 2005
- immature bronze cuckoo, David Cook, 21:59
- immature bronze cuckoo, Philip Veerman, 17:42
- immature bronze cuckoo, roger curnow, 11:59
- immature bronze cuckoo, Jack and Andrea Holland, 11:33
- Happy --------, Martin and Frances, 10:02
- immature bronze cuckoo, roger curnow, 09:40
December 22, 2005
- White-winged raven, Chris Davey, 21:26
- Koel at Kambah, David McDonald, 11:40
- White-eared Honeyeater, Suzanne Edgar, 11:02
- gang-gangs, Frank Antram, 09:49
- gang-gangs, John Cummings, 09:04
December 21, 2005
- Black Swans breeding, Philip Veerman, 17:26
- gang-gangs, Geoffrey Dabb, 17:16
- White-eared Honeyeater, Philip Veerman, 17:05
- New bird book details - help please, David McDonald, 16:49
- gang-gangs, David McDonald, 16:17
- gang-gangs, tom green, 16:17
- gang-gangs, James Rolevink, 15:48
- gang gang, roger curnow, 15:47
- gang-gangs, Barbara Allan, 15:07
- Jerra fire, marnix . zwankhuizen, 10:06
- Santa's Australian bird quiz, Geoffrey Dabb, 07:44
- Jerra fire, Martin and Frances, 00:03
December 20, 2005
- Whoops!, John Layton, 21:24
- Can you swallow this?, John Layton, 21:10
- [UNCLASSIFIED] Sparrow- amazing behaviour, Benjamin . Whitworth, 18:36
- Disappearing trick, John Layton, 18:18
- Musk Duck at Yerrabi Ponds, Pedroanddi, 14:23
- White-eared Honeyeater, Steve Holliday, 11:28
- whistling kite, musk duck, superbs, marnix . zwankhuizen, 10:39
- Santa's pre-quiz, Mark.Clayton, 10:31
- Santa's pre-quiz, Geoffrey Dabb, 10:16
- Pre-quiz sharpener, seasonal, Mark.Clayton, 09:03
December 19, 2005
- New bird book details - help please, David McDonald, 21:45
- Pre-quiz sharpener, seasonal, Geoffrey Dabb, 20:35
- Pre-quiz sharpener, seasonal, Marg & Jim Peachey, 19:40
- Pre-quiz sharpener, seasonal, Ruskies, 19:22
- Pre-quiz sharpener, seasonal, Geoffrey Dabb, 17:12
- Screechie days are here again, Philip Veerman, 14:05
- fire at Jerra?, Ian Fraser, 13:11
December 15, 2005
- Koel, Yarden Oren, 22:12
- If people are still interested in Corellas..., James Rolevink, 22:12
- musk duck, Dalziell, 18:26
- high up, Ian Fraser, 13:47
- Olive-backed Oriole, marnix . zwankhuizen, 13:36
- Xmas BBQ, Lashko Susan, 13:12
- Superb Parrots, Rosemary Blemings, 11:46
December 14, 2005
- musk duck, roger curnow, 15:54
- Christmas, Hastir, Chris, 14:34
- urriarra sandpiper?, Gill Langdale-Smith, 14:26
- It might be a Koel, Ruskies, 13:55
- musk duck, marnix . zwankhuizen, 12:45
- It might be a Koel, Overs, Anthony (REPS), 11:01
- It might be a Koel, Ruth Amy, 10:53
- [UNCLASSIFIED] Campbell Park, Benjamin . Whitworth, 10:39
December 13, 2005
- Wednesday Walk, Joe Barr, 22:42
- Southside Koel, Greg Ramsay, 20:49
- Koel, Philip Veerman, 16:52
- Koel, Yarden Oren, 15:52
- Eagle Eye 2 answers, Geoffrey Dabb, 13:33
- Koel, John Cummings, 12:12
- Koel, Barbara Allan, 12:08
- Cry of the Koel, Geoffrey Dabb, 10:03
- Koel, Muriel . Edwards, 09:38
- Koel, Overs, Anthony (REPS), 09:13
- Koel, John Layton, 08:49
- Screechie days are here again, John Layton, 08:37
- Koel, Paul Fennell, 04:20
- Koel, Paul Fennell, 03:20
December 12, 2005
- Molonglo Valley Urban Development and Bird Impacts, Jenny Bounds, 19:27
- little birds etc, Barbara Preston, 16:37
- Eagle eye 2, Geoffrey Dabb, 15:47
- Eagle eye 2, Geoffrey Dabb, 15:30
- Yet another little tester, Geoffrey Dabb, 14:00
- Yet another little tester, Wright, MichaelA, 13:54
- [UNCLASSIFIED]RE: [canberrabirds] Yet another little tester, Benjamin . Whitworth, 13:39
- Yet another little tester, marnix . zwankhuizen, 13:39
- Yet another little tester, Geoffrey Dabb, 13:36
- Yet another little tester, ian gordon, 13:32
- Yet another little tester, Geoffrey Dabb, 13:22
- Congo Shorebirds, marnix . zwankhuizen, 10:27
- crimson rosellas. again, William Compston, 07:08
- Feeders, Martin and Frances, 03:41
December 09, 2005
- [UNCLASSIFIED]RE: [canberrabirds] Disapointment with Canberra Tim es, Benjamin . Whitworth, 17:55
- This may be of interest to COGgers, Tony Lawson, 14:15
- Christmas quiz - where have I been...., Geoffrey Dabb, 14:01
- Disapointment with Canberra Times, Philip Veerman, 12:29
- Christmas quiz - where have I been...., Paul Mahoney, 10:50
- Disapointment with Canberra Times, Barbara Preston, 10:41
- Koel in Torrens, Mavis Jones, 09:09
- Superb Parrots, Overs, Anthony (REPS), 09:01
- Superb Parrots, Alex.McLachlan, 08:58
- Male Koel, Alex.McLachlan, 08:44
December 08, 2005
- Christmas quiz - where have I been...., Geoffrey Dabb, 21:01
- Report of Common Koel over-wintering, John Layton, 20:35
- Christmas quiz - where have I been...., Frank Antram, 19:14
- Free journals have been claimed, thankyou..., Brendan.Lepschi, 12:48
- Free journals..., Brendan.Lepschi, 12:20
December 07, 2005
- Christmas quiz - where have I been...., Steve Holliday, 16:49
- Christmas quiz - where have I been...., John Leonard, 15:19
- Superb Parrots, Philip Veerman, 14:55
- Superb Parrots, Paul Mahoney, 11:47
- Christmas quiz - where have I been...., Paul Mahoney, 11:43
December 06, 2005
- Koel calling, John Layton, 22:06
- Rainbow Bee-eater nesting colony, Philip Veerman, 19:09
- swifts over Woden, Richard . Allen, 14:15
- Christmas Party, Alastair Smith, 11:40
- RE: Koel, Kevin Windle, 09:44
- Christmas Party, kamprad, 08:55
December 05, 2005
- Loquat trees, John Layton, 21:38
- Male Koel, David Rosalky, 18:33
- plants and koels, Ian Fraser, 16:38
- plants and koels, Michael and Janette, 16:06
- Male Koel, Brendan.Lepschi, 15:16
- Male Koel, Barbara Allan, 14:19
- [UNCLASSIFIED] Bibaringa, Benjamin . Whitworth, 13:44
- Male Koel, Rachel.Williams, 10:06
- Norfolk Island bird survey, Allan & Hazel Wright, 09:59
- Superb Parrots, Pied Butcherbird, marnix . zwankhuizen, 09:56
- Male Koel, Brendan.Lepschi, 09:31
The University of NSW School of Computer and Engineering
takes no responsibility for the contents of this archive. It is purely
a compilation of material sent by many people to the Canberra Ornithologists Group mailing list. It has not been checked for accuracy nor its content verified in any way.
If you wish to get material removed from the archive or
have other queries about the list contact David McDonald, list manager, phone (02) 6231 8904 or email
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