Canberra Ornithologists Group Mailing List (date)
January 31, 2021
- Koel, Prue Watters via Canberrabirds, 14:52
- Juvenile Koel, Ann Eldridge via Canberrabirds, 14:47
- Bird ID please, jandaholland@bigpond.com, 14:46
- Bird ID please, Ken Black via Canberrabirds, 14:43
- Bird ID please, Merarth Tarrant, 14:34
- Straw-necked Ibis flock at Holt, John Layton, 11:36
January 27, 2021
- More on feathers, John Layton, 18:09
- Feathers, Robin and Rupert Irwin, 15:28
- [Canberrabirds] Feathers, Dave Torr, 11:38
- [Canberrabirds] Feathers, Peter Shute, 11:38
- [Birding-Aus] Feathers, Peter Shute via Canberrabirds, 11:35
- [Birding-Aus] Feathers, Peter Shute via Canberrabirds, 11:35
- [Canberrabirds] Feathers, Peter Shute, 11:33
- [Birding-Aus] Feathers, Peter Shute via Canberrabirds, 11:33
- [Birding-Aus] Feathers, Peter Shute via Canberrabirds, 11:33
- Feathers, Philip Veerman, 11:27
- [Birding-Aus] Feathers, Philip Veerman, 10:59
- [Birding-Aus] Feathers, Philip Veerman, 10:59
January 26, 2021
- Latham's Snipe, denisekay49--- via Canberrabirds, 11:47
- [Birding-Aus] Barking Owl didgeridoo, goodfellow@bigpond.com.au, 11:21
- [Birding-Aus] Barking Owl didgeridoo, goodfellow@bigpond.com.au, 11:21
- Barking Owl didgeridoo, john harris via Canberrabirds, 10:54
- Barking Owl didgeridoo, john harris via Canberrabirds, 10:54
- Musk lorikeet, McComas Taylor via Canberrabirds, 10:41
- Barking Owl didgeridoo, Philip Veerman, 09:01
- Barking Owl didgeridoo, Philip Veerman, 09:01
- Barking Owl didgeridoo, Philip Veerman, 09:00
- Musk lorikeet, Terry Bell via Canberrabirds, 08:27
January 25, 2021
- Duck shooting in Victoria, Rosemary Blemings, 18:55
- [Canberrabirds] The road to saving Australia’s regent honeyeaters, tlawson, 16:20
- Covid 19and birding Dr Christoph Randler University of Tubingen, Philip Veerman, 15:12
- Musk Lorikeets, McComas Taylor via Canberrabirds, 15:07
- Covid 19and birding Dr Christoph Randler University of Tubingen, B&RGraham, 15:02
- Assistance to landcare in Evatt, B&RGraham, 14:43
January 23, 2021
- About that pheasant coucal, Terry Bell via Canberrabirds, 22:31
- Pheasant Coucal, john harris via Canberrabirds, 19:35
- Musk Lorikeets, Danny McCreadie, 15:38
- Pheasant Coucal, Terry Bell via Canberrabirds, 15:34
- FW: Koel breeding event??, Alan Ford, 13:56
- FW: Koel breeding event??, jandaholland@bigpond.com, 13:15
- Not so recent birds, Geoffrey Dabb, 10:20
January 22, 2021
- Lake Woollumboola proposed development - map, Jean Casburn, 23:07
- GBS Sightings - Jerrabomberra, Lindsay571@bigpond.com, 14:46
- Koel breeding event, Philip Veerman, 12:56
- FW: Information on Neville William Cayley Prints please, Philip Veerman, 12:55
- Common Starling flock in Holt, Philip Veerman, 12:55
- FW: Information on Neville William Cayley Prints please, Geoffrey Dabb, 09:45
January 21, 2021
- Information on Neville William Cayley Prints please, kym bradley via Canberrabirds, 22:36
- Common Starling flock in Holt, John Layton, 17:34
- Koel breeding event, Philip Veerman, 15:06
- Laughing Kookaburras, Lindell Emerton via Canberrabirds, 10:14
- Laughing Kookaburras, sandra henderson via Canberrabirds, 05:05
January 20, 2021
- FW: Koel breeding event, Philip Veerman, 22:25
- Laughing Kookaburras, Philip Veerman, 22:23
- Koel account, Terry Bell via Canberrabirds, 17:52
- Wednesday Walk to Prior Arboretum, Con, 17:47
- Wednesday Walk to Prior Arboretum, jandaholland@bigpond.com, 17:37
- Rufous Whistlers are on Bluetts Block, calyptorhynchus via Canberrabirds, 16:30
- Rufous Whistlers are on Bluetts Block, Jean Casburn, 16:18
- Wednesday Walk to Prior Arboretum, Con, 16:05
- Wednesday Walk to Prior Arboretum, Martin Butterfield via Canberrabirds, 15:40
- Laughing Kookaburras, Dr David Rosalky, 15:26
- Laughing Kookaburras, Lindell Emerton via Canberrabirds, 15:04
- Yerrabi Pond, Julie Clark via Canberrabirds, 13:21
- FW: Koel breeding event, jandaholland@bigpond.com, 12:22
- David Pfanner, Neil Hermes via Canberrabirds, 10:11
- David Pfanner, McComas Taylor via Canberrabirds, 09:23
- FW: Koel breeding event, Geoffrey Dabb, 08:18
January 19, 2021
- Koel breeding event, Philip Veerman, 22:39
- Southern Whitefaces nest collecting ??, kym bradley via Canberrabirds, 20:12
- aviary escapee?, John Layton, 17:07
- aviary escapee?, Marg Peachey via Canberrabirds, 16:17
- Magpie-larks, jandaholland@bigpond.com, 15:56
- 'Bush Bounty'- a recent Mathew Higgins video- out of area but including birds and much else in the Bega region, Robin Hide via Canberrabirds, 15:35
- aviary escapee?, Kim Farley via Canberrabirds, 15:28
- aviary escapee?, Mark Clayton, 12:46
- aviary escapee?, John Layton, 12:28
- aviary escapee?, Robin Hide via Canberrabirds, 11:54
- Swamphens, Martin Butterfield via Canberrabirds, 10:48
January 15, 2021
- Is there the nest of a swan in the SE corner of the Big Dam at Mulligans Flat?, Don Fletcher, 15:33
- Koel interactions, john harris via Canberrabirds, 14:23
- Is there the nest of a swan in the SE corner of the Big Dam at Mulligans Flat?, Don Fletcher, 11:05
- Immature male Satin Bowerbird image, Mark Clayton, 10:43
- Immature male Satin Bowerbird image, Bill Roberts via Canberrabirds, 09:44
January 11, 2021
- test message - please ignore, Mark Clayton, 18:40
- Bowerbird fledgling?, Philip Veerman, 18:03
- Koel activity, early 2021, jandaholland@bigpond.com, 16:07
- Dead Bowerbird, Mark Clayton, 13:46
- Bowerbird fledgling?, Dr David Rosalky, 12:42
- [Canberrabirds] FW: Wednesday 13 January 2021 – COG Members’ Night, jandaholland@bigpond.com, 11:36
- Dead Bowerbird, Ann Eldridge via Canberrabirds, 09:55
January 09, 2021
- Covid - birding, Philip Veerman, 21:10
- Covid - birding, Philip Veerman, 21:10
- Covid - birding, Philip Veerman, 21:10
- Rainbow Bee Eaters have fledged, kym bradley via Canberrabirds, 19:52
- Help with ID, Richard Allen via Canberrabirds, 18:49
- Bird house, Danny McCreadie, 18:28
- ANZAC long weekend, Catherine Ryan via Canberrabirds, 16:58
- ANZAC long weekend, Sue Lashko via Canberrabirds, 14:12
- Painted Snipe this morning, Philip Veerman, 13:28
- Help with ID, Rebecca Redden via Canberrabirds, 12:22
- Mallacoota outing, Martin Butterfield via Canberrabirds, 12:12
- A P-s correction, Geoffrey Dabb, 08:55
January 04, 2021
- Superb Parrots, John Brannan, 22:45
- Australasian Grebes Isabella pond, kym bradley via Canberrabirds, 18:38
- SCC in the rain, Philip Veerman, 18:36
- A Dock Guide for the A P-s Watcher, Geoffrey Dabb, 17:32
- New year trivia for the oldies, Terry Bell via Canberrabirds, 17:02
- New year trivia for the oldies, Graeme Clifton via Canberrabirds, 16:52
- SCC in the rain, John Layton, 15:21
- SCC in the rain, calyptorhynchus via Canberrabirds, 14:35
- New year trivia for the oldies, Elizabeth Keen via Canberrabirds, 13:56
- New year trivia for the oldies, Terry Bell via Canberrabirds, 10:41
January 02, 2021
- Hardheads Breeding Update, Julie Clark via Canberrabirds, 20:51
- Superb Parrots, Philip Veerman, 20:43
- Superb Parrots, Elizabeth Keen via Canberrabirds, 20:14
- Superb Parrots, K & G Hansen, 19:43
- New species for Kelly's List. Eclectus Parrot. Definitely not an aviary escapee., Con, 16:06
- Painted Snipe back with a mate, Peter Cranston via Canberrabirds, 15:52
- Painted Snipe back with a mate, Martin Butterfield via Canberrabirds, 12:44
- Painted Snipe back with a mate, Ryu Callaway via Canberrabirds, 12:21
The University of NSW School of Computer and Engineering
takes no responsibility for the contents of this archive. It is purely
a compilation of material sent by many people to the Canberra Ornithologists Group mailing list. It has not been checked for accuracy nor its content verified in any way.
If you wish to get material removed from the archive or
have other queries about the list contact David McDonald, list manager, phone (02) 6231 8904 or email
If you can not contact David McDonald e-mail
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