Canberra Ornithologists Group Mailing List (date)
April 29, 2021
- Common Myna's chase cat off, Rodney & Deborah Ralph, 22:45
- Bird-related presentations at ANBG Thursday talks, sandra henderson via Canberrabirds, 16:28
- Yellow-faced Honeyeaters still migrating - air warm and still, Jean Casburn, 14:52
- 35c YTBCs nr Fyshwick this morning, Ken Black via Canberrabirds, 11:40
- 35c YTBCs nr Fyshwick this morning, Elizabeth Keen via Canberrabirds, 11:32
- 35c YTBCs nr Fyshwick this morning, calyptorhynchus via Canberrabirds, 11:16
April 25, 2021
- Swift records, Rob Geraghty via Canberrabirds, 22:36
- Swift Parrots, Philip Veerman, 21:30
- unusual Satin Bowerbird behaviour, calyptorhynchus, 15:54
- unusual Satin Bowerbird behaviour, calyptorhynchus via Canberrabirds, 15:53
- unusual Satin Bowerbird behaviour, calyptorhynchus via Canberrabirds, 15:53
- Swift records, Philip Veerman, 13:06
April 24, 2021
- Swift Parrots, Rob Geraghty via Canberrabirds, 18:51
- Swift Parrots, Adam FitzGerald via Canberrabirds, 18:49
- Swift Parrots, Rob Geraghty via Canberrabirds, 18:45
- Swift Parrots, Adam FitzGerald via Canberrabirds, 18:41
- Swift Parrots, Philip Veerman, 18:22
- Gungahlin birds, Marnix Zwankhuizen via Canberrabirds, 08:46
April 21, 2021
- FW: Wanted asap: Volunteers of small mammal survey at Piney Hill (Bluetts Block), Jean Casburn, 17:27
- Peaceful Dove, jandaholland@bigpond.com, 16:53
- Fwd: 2021 Swifty and Regent surveys commence on 24 April, plus 2020 Annual Report, Alison Mackerras, 15:44
- Swift Parrots, Adam FitzGerald via Canberrabirds, 15:18
- FW: Musk Lorikeet at Urambi, Fokker, Miriam via Canberrabirds, 11:31
- Pumice the key to solving seabird mass death mystery - CSIRO, David McDonald (Personal), 09:53
April 17, 2021
- Swift Parrots in Hackett - Thur 15-4-21, Ash Allnutt via Canberrabirds, 15:51
- Boobook?, Dr David Rosalky, 15:01
- FW: Yellow-faced Honeyeaters over Duffy 9.15am - incidental, Martin Butterfield via Canberrabirds, 14:34
- FW: Yellow-faced Honeyeaters over Duffy 9.15am - incidental, jandaholland@bigpond.com, 14:31
- Yellow-faced Honeyeaters over Duffy 9.15am - incidental, Ryu Callaway via Canberrabirds, 14:05
April 16, 2021
- Who is calling, Kim Farley via Canberrabirds, 20:59
- Who is calling, Philip Veerman, 20:53
- Who is calling, kym bradley via Canberrabirds, 17:32
- Yellow-faced Honeyeaters over Duffy 9.15am - incidental, Stan Jarzynski via Canberrabirds, 15:35
- Yellow-faced Honeyeaters over Duffy 9.15am - incidental, Marg Peachey via Canberrabirds, 13:57
- Yellow-faced Honeyeaters over Duffy 9.15am - incidental, jandaholland@bigpond.com, 13:53
- Comments on bird feeding, Philip Veerman, 13:13
- Yellow-faced Honeyeaters over Duffy 9.15am - incidental, Jean Casburn, 12:14
- Sothern Boobook, Bruce, ACT (Film), David Rees via Canberrabirds, 10:44
- Swift Parrots in Hackett - Thur 15-4-21, walter.goldie@iinet.net.au, 09:59
- Possible compromise of Canberra Birds mailing list, dcn@dcnicholls.com, 09:34
- Duck hunting season outcry as Victorian government increases number of birds hunters can shoot, Rosemary Blemings, 08:26
- Possible compromise of Canberra Birds mailing list, Robin Eckermann via Canberrabirds, 03:12
April 15, 2021
- Fwd: 2021 Swift Parrot & Regent Honeyeater surveys notification Part 2, Alison Mackerras, 17:23
- Fwd: 2021 Swift Parrot & Regent Honeyeater surveys notification, Alison Mackerras, 17:21
- AWM trees, Wendy Whitham, 14:19
- Bird book found, Fokker, Miriam via Canberrabirds, 11:43
- Swift Parrots in Hackett - Thur 15-4-21, Martin Butterfield via Canberrabirds, 10:51
- Swift Parrots in Hackett - Thur 15-4-21, John and Kathy, 10:20
- AWM trees, Suzannah Macbeth via Canberrabirds, 09:12
- Superb parrots may have left Hughes/Garran area, Kirsty Craven, 08:34
- Superb parrots may have left Hughes/Garran area, calyptorhynchus via Canberrabirds, 08:25
April 10, 2021
- Autumn bird movements, Ryu Callaway via Canberrabirds, 21:08
- Magpie with damaged beak, fragglelists--- via Canberrabirds, 09:49
- Magpie with damaged beak, Susan Robertson via Canberrabirds, 09:40
- Blue-faced Honeyeater, Martin Butterfield via Canberrabirds, 09:27
- Blue-faced Honeyeater, Ash Allnutt via Canberrabirds, 09:18
- Blue-faced Honeyeater, Martin Butterfield via Canberrabirds, 08:24
April 06, 2021
- Mystery Bird, Graeme Clifton via Canberrabirds, 20:58
- Mystery Bird, Philip Veerman, 20:43
- Field trips July-Dec 2021, Sue Lashko via Canberrabirds, 20:30
- Mystery Bird, Con, 20:13
- Mystery Bird, Con, 18:13
- Mystery Bird, Kathy Cook, 18:04
- Mystery Bird, Philip Veerman, 17:33
- Mystery Bird, Philip Veerman, 16:43
- Mystery Bird, Kathy Cook, 15:37
- Bird at ANBG, Martin Butterfield via Canberrabirds, 14:03
- Bird at ANBG, Philip Veerman, 11:20
- Bird at ANBG, Philip Veerman, 11:19
- Bird at ANBG, Karin Neufeld via Canberrabirds, 09:42
April 04, 2021
- New Holland HE or Hybrid, Lindell Emerton via Canberrabirds, 20:41
- OOA White-Browed Babblers revamping roost nest, kym bradley via Canberrabirds, 19:30
- List manager message re 'temporarily rate limited due to IP reputation', David McDonald (Personal), 17:16
- Boobook calling in Holt., John Layton, 15:15
- Blue-tongue causes angst in birdland., John Layton, 14:46
- Blue-tongue causes angst in birdland., Geoffrey Dabb, 13:06
- Blue-tongue causes angst in birdland., Philip Veerman, 12:00
The University of NSW School of Computer and Engineering
takes no responsibility for the contents of this archive. It is purely
a compilation of material sent by many people to the Canberra Ornithologists Group mailing list. It has not been checked for accuracy nor its content verified in any way.
If you wish to get material removed from the archive or
have other queries about the list contact David McDonald, list manager, phone (02) 6231 8904 or email
If you can not contact David McDonald e-mail
Andrew Taylor at this address: