
Yellow-faced Honeyeaters over Duffy 9.15am - incidental

To: Jack & Andrea Holland <>, Marg Peachey <>
Subject: Yellow-faced Honeyeaters over Duffy 9.15am - incidental
From: Stan Jarzynski via Canberrabirds <>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2021 05:33:49 +0000
Relatively small numbers of YFHE and White-naped HE moving at Angle Crossing this morning.


From: Canberrabirds <> on behalf of Marg Peachey via Canberrabirds <>
Sent: Friday, 16 April 2021 1:56 PM
To: Jack & Andrea Holland <>
Cc: Canberra birds <>
Subject: Re: [Canberrabirds] Yellow-faced Honeyeaters over Duffy 9.15am - incidental
Walking around Stranger Pond in Bonython this morning I saw a large number of YFHE.  By the time I realised it was too late to count but compared to other reports just a small number, say 100'ish.
A new experience for me.


On Fri, 16 Apr 2021 at 13:52, <> wrote:

Thanks Jean, with Lindsay Hansch having moved from his house under the major migration path in Jerrabomberra, very few higher numbers of honeyeaters moving through seem to have been reported so far.  To my knowledge the largest is the 600+ over 30 minutes in the COG walk at Narrabundah Hill I led on 3 April, though Michael Robbins estimated well over 1000 over a longer time frame at Greenway (Tuggeranong) a couple of days ago.


This morning Andrea and I did the walk from Athllon Drive down to the confluence of Tuggeranong Creek and the Murrumbidgee, and then further N along the Centennial Trail and back, but only counted around 90 mainly YFHE.  This was despite the prime honeyeater migration conditions and compares with the over 400 seen at a similar time just over a year ago.


Has anyone seen very large numbers migrating this season?


Jack Holland


From: Canberrabirds <> On Behalf Of Jean Casburn
Sent: Friday, 16 April 2021 12:12 PM
To: Canberra birds <>
Subject: [Canberrabirds] Yellow-faced Honeyeaters over Duffy 9.15am - incidental


Two groups of about 40 YFHE passed over Duffy from Narrabundah Hill on this still sunny morning. Also heard several White-naped Honeyeater and about this time 4 Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo.


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