Canberra Ornithologists Group Mailing List (date)
October 25, 2023
- Congratulations Lori Gould and Team painted snipe tracking, kym bradley via Canberrabirds, 14:50
- Plumed Egret or Intermediate Egret (Plumed)? Re: FW: For eBirders! The annual taxonomy update is starting 24 October, Kim Farley via Canberrabirds, 12:30
- FW: For eBirders! The annual taxonomy update is starting 24 October, Geoffrey Dabb, 12:15
- Rufous Fantail? Re: For eBirders! The annual taxonomy update is starting 24 October, Kim Farley via Canberrabirds, 12:08
- Blitz wind up, Martin Butterfield via Canberrabirds, 12:07
- Blitz wind up, jandaholland--- via Canberrabirds, 11:57
- Blitz wind up, Philip Veerman, 10:56
- Blitz wind up, Mark Clayton via Canberrabirds, 09:44
- Blitz wind up, alisonrf@iinet.net.au, 09:29
- Blitz wind up, Martin Butterfield via Canberrabirds, 08:44
- Blitz wind up, David McDonald (Personal), 08:42
- Blitz wind up, Mark Clayton via Canberrabirds, 08:37
October 23, 2023
- Blitz wind up, Kim Farley via Canberrabirds, 18:24
- Re BirdLife Atlas, Philip Veerman, 18:18
- Re BirdLife Atlas, Renée Ferster Levy via Canberrabirds, 17:13
- Blitz wind up, Philip Veerman, 16:25
- Blitz wind up, Michael Lenz via Canberrabirds, 16:10
- Blitz wind up, alisonrf@iinet.net.au, 14:44
- Blitz wind up, Rob Geraghty via Canberrabirds, 13:45
- Blitz wind up, Mark Clayton via Canberrabirds, 12:50
- Blitz wind up, Philip Veerman, 10:44
- Blitz wind up, Dr David Rosalky, 09:27
- Blitz wind up, Rob Geraghty via Canberrabirds, 09:23
- Blitz wind up, Geoffrey Dabb, 09:16
October 21, 2023
- Blitz 2023 - what a difference to last year, Nicki Taws via Canberrabirds, 20:48
- Koel in O'Connor and Ainslie, Alison Rowell, 18:50
- Koels in Deakin, Peter Cranston via Canberrabirds, 18:25
- Koels in Deakin, Brian Jones via Canberrabirds, 17:45
- Koels in Deakin, Rod Mackay via Canberrabirds, 12:36
- Koels in Deakin, Dr David Rosalky, 08:37
October 10, 2023
- [Canberrabirds] Beginners’ outing at for new birders at Botanic Gardens this coming Saturday 14 Oct, sandra henderson via Canberrabirds, 20:52
- [Canberrabirds] Koel’s are coming, Lindell Emerton via Canberrabirds, 16:48
- FW: COG meeting tomorrow evening 11 October, jandaholland--- via Canberrabirds, 10:55
- FW: Where are the Koels this year? Also Rainbow Bee-eaters?, Woo O'Reilly via Canberrabirds, 10:13
- FW: Where are the Koels this year? Also Rainbow Bee-eaters?, Meke Kamps, 09:38
- FW: Where are the Koels this year? Also RainbowBee-eaters?, Mark Clayton via Canberrabirds, 09:14
- FW: Where are the Koels this year? Also Rainbow Bee-eaters?, jandaholland--- via Canberrabirds, 09:02
October 02, 2023
- White-winged Trillers, Richard Allen via Canberrabirds, 22:31
- Deer at Kama Nature Park, don.fletcher@emailme.com.au, 22:08
- Deer at Kama Nature Park, Steve Read via Canberrabirds, 20:06
- Deer at Kama Nature Park, shorty via Canberrabirds, 19:56
- Deer at Kama Nature Park, calyptorhynchus via Canberrabirds, 19:49
- Deer at Kama Nature Park, Steve Read via Canberrabirds, 19:48
- Woodland surveys at Gooroo North, Geoffrey Dabb, 15:24
- White-winged Trillers, Isobel Crawford, 15:09
- White-winged Trillers, Alison, 13:40
- Woodland surveys at Gooroo North, Nicki Taws via Canberrabirds, 13:33
- FW: October Gang-gang now available online, Geoffrey Dabb, 13:16
- Deer at Kama Nature Park, Anthony Willis via Canberrabirds, 12:50
- White-winged Trillers, calyptorhynchus via Canberrabirds, 12:20
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If you wish to get material removed from the archive or
have other queries about the list contact David McDonald, list manager, phone (02) 6231 8904 or email
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