Is there a practical wireless method of doing this?=0D
Peter Shute=0D
Sent from my iPad=0D
On 20 Sep 2013, at 10:01 am, "<=
m>" <<>> wrote:=0D
I've got 650 metres of cheap screened twin cable bought at a discount which=
is rolled up in stereo pairs on garden hosereels. The biggest snag is tent=
flap when it gets windy, but I've got stuff I wouldn't have heard any other=
I checked out the entire length of cable and found no degradation with low=
impedance mics. The only trouble I had was from the 11.000V electric line=
arcing in wet weather but grounding to a single point fixed that.=0D
Six links come through my bedroom window and I can lie in bed listening to=
the wildlife and birds and if anything interesting happens, I lean across=
the bed and push the red button.=0D
> Another dream is to record using a reel to reel recorder, one I can hang =
off my shoulder please. The mere sight of just the reels turning around is =
just so.....!=0D
Did that for 25 years, still got the backache. Hooray for digital. :-)=0D
David Brinicombe=0D