I suppose the main improvement for me was the gain. It may be true, that gi=
ven enough gain, the FR2LE and the MixPre have comparable responses, but th=
e FR2LE has very low gain on its own, at least when using my MKH30/40 combo=
(others with similar experiences?).
The other serious problem I had with the FR2LE was that if I cranked up the=
gain high enough to get a sufficiently hot signal in quiet situations, the=
unit induced a high-pitched, broad-banded hiss (especially from the trims =
turned most of the way up). I have eliminated this hiss by keeping the FR2L=
E at low gain on the trims and input gain knob and having the MixPre heat u=
p the signal coming in.
So a MixPre giving nice gain to an FR2LE that is set to a low to moderate g=
ain has really improved the overall recording quality. To be really fair ab=
out this discussion, I should do some controlled experiments, perhaps in th=
e backyard one morning. Do you perhaps have a schedule of recordings or exp=
eriments I should try... maybe specifically concerning gain.
Hassle: yes. Worth it so far: yes.
--- In Curt Olson <> wrote:
> David,
> Do you really feel that the MixPre is sufficiently better than the
> FR-2LE's built-in mic preamps to warrant the hassle? A couple years
> ago I did a side-by-side comparison between a SD722 and my FR-2LE, and =
> could barely discern any difference. The FR-2LE's mic preamps are so
> darn good that I suspect you might not be gaining anything worthwhile =
> for your troubles. At least that's what my experience leads me to think.
> I'd be curious to hear some kind of comparison recording between your =
> MixPre > FR-2LE combination and the FR-2LE by itself, if you're willing.
> Curt Olson
> > David Michael wrote:
> >
> > I just wanted to chime in here and say that I too am using a MixPre =
> > with an FR2-LE (though I would gladly trade for a MP2 with onboard
> > ms decoding ... anybody?). The MixPre really changed my recording
> > life. Gone are the thin, low signals of yesteryear.
> >
> > While a rig using this combo is a little bulky (just a little), the =
> > sound quality is superb - and I can replace my recorder when
> > something cheap and fancy comes to market. I would not hesitate to
> > recommend this preamp to anyone looking to upgrade a rig without
> > dropping the bank on a 700 series.
> >
> > D
> >
> >> --- In Curt Olson <cro@> wrote:
> >>
> >> Thanks for this, oryoki,
> >>
> >> For perspective, I've been using a MixPre (tape out) > Zoom H2
> >> (line in) for a while now as a second recording rig. This
> >> combination is fantastic. The only negatives I find are: 1) I wish =
> >> the H2 was a bit slimmer; 2) by its very nature, this setup is not =
> >> as neat and tidy as a single unit would be. Notice how nit-picky
> >> these complaints are?
> >>
> >> Great sound quality, and the whole shebang gives decent recording
> >> times from four AA batteries. Exactly how long depends on a host of =
> >> variables, of course, and battery usage of the two units eventuall =
> >> gets out of synch. (Okay, so there's one more nit-picky complaint.
> >>
> >> Curt Olson