Two suggestions:
1 -You can make up a cable with stereo mini male and a five pin XLR
at the mic end and it will be smaller, lighter and sleeker, avoiding
the VP88 five pin to two XLR adaptor. I don't know of any
commercially available ones. Does anyone else here?
2 - get a right angle miniplug adaptor (from radio shack or better)
and tape it to the recorder's case. Then the cable weight is removed
from the jack.
On Aug 13, 2007, at 5:20 AM, dbly wrote:
> I have a Shure VP-88 with dual XLR, I bought a Dual XLR to stereo
> sub-mini from sweetwater. My concern is the wear and tear on my
> Sony MZ-200 microphone jack. Because of the weight of the 5 foot
> cable, I took a headphone case and attached a belt clip. I also
> used double-sided tape and mounted a blackberry clip, that fell off
> a old unit to the underside of the MZ-200. So I can now clip the
> recorder to my belt and have access to all controls and displays
> and then clip the headphone case, (the black large case that comes
> with Sony 800 full size headphones) which I feed the excess cable
> and hopefully take some of the weight off the mic jack. Then also
> allows one hand to be free and wave that large stereo microphone
> around.
> -David (^_^)