From: Rob Danielson <>
> Free lunch. Seems like they're serving it somewhere. I saved up for
> the 744 by limping along with dying DATs for 3 years and refusing to
> buy a 2nd car and other stuff it was best to live without anyway. I
> was adding up the hours I was losing in the field and in post from
> make-do equipment and I realized that a 744 promised to be the most
> efficient $4000 I could spend. I really questioned paying $1500 for
> my mkh's (ebay),.. How absurd! I use them all the time and I could
> re-sell them for the same price today. In truth, we're lucky because
> its easy to make very good investments. Rob D.
I'm spending lots of time reading lens and other photographic equipment
reviews and comments right now as I upgrade my photography kit. Normally
I'd spend a year or two doing it, but would like to have it a good ways
along before my trip. Ebay has been real good to me the last few weeks
or I'd never make it.
One of the things that caught my eye is really just as true for sound
equipment. In a discussion group one person mentioned how by buying
higher end equipment he found he no longer worried about the equipment's
abilities, instead his mind was free to be more creative in his
photography. To do better compositions, spend more time seeing the photo
he wanted to take and so on. He was talking about lenses, but it really
applies to all the equipment. Good equipment frees you to be more creative.
It's one of the big benefits of higher end stuff. I stop to record some
frogs I'm listening for the ideal stereo field, hunting the best spot
and aim. I hardly think anymore about working around compromised
equipment. Just pick out the appropriate mic for what I've found and
record. It's improved my recordings beyond what the equipment
technically improved.
Now if I can just find a barking dog, truck and airplane remover...
Yes, we make choices in how we spend our limited money. I have good
sound equipment because I did not spend money elsewhere. I gave it high
enough priority. There is no free lunch.