Walt, you wrote,
>Note, I talked about making the frog CD. That was made using Jam 5 in
>OS9, before I moved to OSX. In fact I held off going to OSX until it was
>finalized. Just in case there were issues. I do still have my last full
>OS9 system and apps untouched by OSX on a separate hard disk if needed.
I did that too, for insurance. I only have one machine I have to boot
into 9 now, my PowerBook, to run Spectrafoo for metering.
>The fact that Jam is still sold with the
>point that it makes full red book compliant cds from the same company
>that makes Toast tells me that Toast may still not be building fully
>compliant audio cds. Just less noticed as newer cd players are more
My understanding is that Toasted products are fully compliant (I've
sent masters for pressing), but Toast offer all the features that a
full CD mastering program has, esoteric stuff like ISRC codes for
each song. Not very important.
-Dan Dugan