> To clarify, there's nothing about MD that prevents you from digitally
> transferring your recordings
> The annoying limitation Sony built into current MD decks is that you can
> do high-speed downloading to them via USB,
You mentioned the Sony MHZ-10 in an earlier post, which I will follow up,
but does that mean there are other decks (preferably low cost) that could b=
plugged into the PC and read the MDs directly, or lower cost alternatives t=
the HBB recorder
> But, the new Hi-MD apparently remedies this partially, by allowing you to
> do USB-based transfers of your own *analog* recordings (
Of course, if I wait, this will be the obvious solution as it will be
backwards compatible with my older disks - I assume.
In fact the more I think about it the more it seems waiting a few months is
all I need to do.