Hello All,
I want to thank everyone who responded to my question regarding the Sony PC=
M-M10 and using a phantom power supply. There seems to be any number of uni=
ts that would fit the bill. Also have taken on board the advice given,regar=
ding the Audio Technica 4022 mics. They do seem to be a better choice over =
the Rode NTG-55's.
The only question I have is whether I can use this combination (M-10 and tw=
in AT4022 mics) without an external preamp device.
Many Thanks
--- In Paul Jacobson <> wrote:
> Hi Rob,
> On 06/03/2010, at 2:10 AM, Rob Danielson wrote:
> >
> > Hi Pauls--
> > I was attracted to the smaller size of the professional-looking
> > Denecke P2 when I was testing phantom units a few years back but I
> > got a hum and additional noise when I used P2's with Sharp (MD) and
> > Sony (MD & Hi-MD) 3.5mm/PIP mic inputs. Performance could differ from
> > unit to unit, Denecki could have made some production changes since
> > then and PIP circuits certainly differ. Paul Jacobson or someone else
> > might be able to confirm P2/M10 compatibility.
> I'll defer to your testing on the Denecke - it's a pity as the smaller ca=
se size would be useful. I've only used a diy phantom supply based on the =
Rolls schematic and this worked quite well with a Sony Hi-MD.
> > I think you're right. I let David's continuing enthusiasm about his
> > 4022's cloud my objectivity. I listened to his comparison of a MKH-40
> > to a AT-4022 again and I agree that the verdict is till out:
> > http://bioacoustics.cse.unsw.edu.au/archives/html/naturerecordists/2009=
> > I see that the lower pricing on the 4022's we saw back in November is
> > no longer available. Rob D.
> A quick google revealed the best listed price for the AT-4022 of $249US a=
t Musicians Friend, but no stock until mid month. Several sources includin=
g BHPhotovideo have them in stock at $280US. It's still away to go before w=
e see them at the old AT3032 prices.
> cheers
> Paul