From: Lang Elliott <>
> Nice example. I certainly like the sound of the WR-183. Not as much mid a=
> high noise as the other mikes, and it seems to have better bass response.
> Blows the other two mikes away for sure. I can see why there's interest. =
> wonder how it would it compare to an MKH20, using the same clock ticking
> test.
In addition to a much higher self noise than the MKH20 the 183 series
loses the low end below 200hz a lot compared to a MKH20's flat frequency
curve. (and the MKH20's low end is poor compared to a MKH110) And the
183 emphasizes frequencies above 2khz with a peak of 5dB above at 10khz.
This is obvious from just comparing the frequency response curve graphs.
I think it's worthwhile pointing out that how good a mic is for someone
is relative to their experience. I doubt that you or I with our
experience with the MKH series would find this mic all that wonderful in
day to day use. But, for someone, like most of those in the MicDIY
group, used to things like mics made from the noisy panasonic capsules,
it's a significant improvement. It's well to consider the experience of
a person with other mics when they give a opinion about a mic. And what
sort of recording they do. Many of the MicDIY group are concert tapers,
or street sound recordists. Where self noise is not a big criteria.
Others are into recording for mixing with other sounds, or the newer
one, video. Each will color their opinion (and even what they hear)
based on their need.
It does appear to be good specs for a lav mic, but not unique. So, if
tiny size is the important criteria it's one to look at. If the ultimate
in sound quality for nature recording is the criteria it's well down the
list. A Sennheiser ME mic can be had for not much different price, for
instance, and would be a much better mic for nature recording. Even the
MKH-20 can be found for about 2-3 times the price, the price difference
is not infinite. The Sennheiser ME102 would be a equivalent lav mic
(also part of a series) though it's sensitivity is less, it's self noise
is the same and it's frequency response curve is similar though slightly