Hi Peter,
I don't think you can assume anything! First of all, Marco Pesente's compar=
ison is of the internal microphones on those devices, not the external mic =
input, and the two do not necessarily translate, especially on the Zoom rec=
orders. For instance, I have a Zoom H2 and the internal mics are ok, but I =
never, ever use the external mic input with the ME66 because it is so noisy=
If you can get the DR-05 for that much less than the LS-7, or any other sim=
ilar recorder, and you can live with the additional 3dB or so of noise it w=
ill add to the signal, and it's just for bird ID, then I think that would b=
e fine for you. But I also figure it is worth paying a wee bit more to get =
a recorder that can do more than the minimum you require.
Just my two cents. I'd go for something a little better than the DR-05 to g=
et more value for the dollar.
best wishes,
--- In Peter Shute <> wrote:
> I found the list now at http://www.avisoft.com/recordertests.htm, I knew =
it was in there somewhere.
> According to that list, the DR-05 is quieter than the Zoom H2. Can I assu=
me the H2 is quieter than the H1? If so then maybe if I listen to Marco Pes=
ente's comparison at http://soundcloud.com/marco-pesente/blackcap-m10-d50-l=
s7-r05-h1 then I'll get an idea of what to expect. I'm on holidays at the m=
oment, and unable to easily do that for now. I'll try, but the Blackberry w=
ill probably explode.
> This will be mainly for bird id recordings to supplement the SASS recordi=
ngs, so they just have to be clearly audible, not perfect.
> Can I assume that all of these recorders will work ok with the ME66/K6 us=
ing the same cable I used with the M10? It's a Hosa, can't remember the par=
t number, I'm under the impression it's just a plain mono XLR to stereo 3.5=
mm adapter.
> Peter Shute
> --------------------------
> Sent using BlackBerry
> ________________________________
> From:
> To:
> Sent: Sat Jul 07 08:31:09 2012
> Subject: [Nature Recordists] Re: Tascam DR-05 and ME66?
> Peter Shute wrote:
> Using the Avisoft figures, the DR-05 self-noise is at -109dB (A) EIN. The=
Olympus LS-7 / 3 are at -118dB EIN. Compared with these, the LS-5 at -122d=
B EIN is about the noisiest end of what I would personally accept. The diff=
erences in the pre-amps should be clearly audible using the Sennheiser ME 6=
6, which is rated for 10 dB(A) self-noise.
> To my mind all of these devices are rather cheap for what they do. A quic=
k search on eBay finds the base price of the LS-7 at AU$145 and the LS-5 at=
AU$230. Me, I'd save up the ninety bucks.
> -- Robin Parmar