For what it's worth I'm getting by just fine using the Spotlight comments field
(Macintosh OSX). It's totally free form so I can write whatever I want, and I
can search on it any time and from within any app - just click on the
magnifying glass in the upper right corner of the screen.
I am trying to correlate sound recordings with images, videos, pdfs, URLs and
so on, so that I can enter a particular phrase, e.g. "elephants chitwan
national park" and up comes everything with those words in the Spotlight
comments field, organised into file types. I find that useful for finding
matches within all the different digital 'assets' I have.
Spotlight does it nicely for me these days, and because I don't intend to be
going back to Windows in the foreseeable future I don't see it as a problem.
I'm also using a Drobo for my mass storage, very impressive and good
redundancy. Higher up-front costs, but cheaper in the long run. I can
apparently expand it up to 16TB before I run out of room...
- Greg Simmons