I echo Rob on the Sony M10.
I recently went through the same process - to upgrade affordably from an ol=
d minidisc + binaurals without losing the simplicity and discretion I prefe=
r for urban recording.
The M10 has been an excellent compromise - built in mics are quiet, user i=
nterface is good and battery life is amazing.
And it's small enough that you probably _will_ carry it around with you, an=
d won't attract a crowd whenever you record an urban environment.
I just used mine on a trip to a couple of major Asian cities, and was extre=
mely happy with it, both sonically and practically.
YMMV, IMHO, etc etc ;-)
--- In Rob Danielson <> wrote:
> At 8:10 PM +0000 5/15/10, redteamwins wrote:
> >
> > ...capturing environments ... the sounds of a public environment,
> >like, let's say a train station or public square. Also, I would like
> >to have the option to record individual interesting sounds - like
> >machinery or insects or a door creaking or a particular car starting
> >or a conversation or something.
> >
> >I am looking for a recorder that is small ... that doesn't hiss when
> >I'm recording very quiet environments (probably my most important
> >concern right there)... I'm pretty set on having a dial for input
> >level).
> >
> >I'm also interested in buying a quality microphone. ...Should I get
> >a pair of binaural microphones so I can record discretely?... Can I
> >have a set of binaural microphones for "street" recording and maybe
> >a handheld microphone for recording individual sounds like a door
> >creaking or machinery or a bush filled with strange bugs?
> >
> >I'm willing to spend US$700-US$800 or a little more.
> >I've been considering the Tascam DR-100, Sony PCM-M10, Olympus LM11.
> >The Marantz PMD 661 looks totally awesome but it might be too big.
> >Though, if it's truly awesome I would actually buy it.
> Hi--
> I'd consider a Sony PCM-M10 http://tinyurl.com/24ucxz6 and a pair
> of Telinga "clip-ons" mics http://tinyurl.com/2dxwt6m. The M10's
> internal mics are about as low-noise as the built-in mics go and the
> Telinga's can be used binaurally and will connect easily. Should you
> decide to use bigger, quieter mics down the road, the M10 recorder
> will support them with a portable phantom power supply. Rob D.
> =3D =3D =3D
> --