At 8:10 PM +0000 5/15/10, redteamwins wrote:
> ...capturing environments ... the sounds of a public environment,
>like, let's say a train station or public square. Also, I would like
>to have the option to record individual interesting sounds - like
>machinery or insects or a door creaking or a particular car starting
>or a conversation or something.
>I am looking for a recorder that is small ... that doesn't hiss when
>I'm recording very quiet environments (probably my most important
>concern right there)... I'm pretty set on having a dial for input
>I'm also interested in buying a quality microphone. ...Should I get
>a pair of binaural microphones so I can record discretely?... Can I
>have a set of binaural microphones for "street" recording and maybe
>a handheld microphone for recording individual sounds like a door
>creaking or machinery or a bush filled with strange bugs?
>I'm willing to spend US$700-US$800 or a little more.
>I've been considering the Tascam DR-100, Sony PCM-M10, Olympus LM11.
>The Marantz PMD 661 looks totally awesome but it might be too big.
>Though, if it's truly awesome I would actually buy it.
I'd consider a Sony PCM-M10 and a pair
of Telinga "clip-ons" mics The M10's
internal mics are about as low-noise as the built-in mics go and the
Telinga's can be used binaurally and will connect easily. Should you
decide to use bigger, quieter mics down the road, the M10 recorder
will support them with a portable phantom power supply. Rob D.
=3D =3D =3D