Nathan Gorman wrote:
Shotgun mics may or may not be appropriate for you. They do gain isolation =
of source from environment, but that depends on usage. For film work they a=
re properly held angled towards the ground above the speaker(s). Unless the=
re's a lot of wind (or noisy snakes!) in the grass, the only thing on axis =
is then the subjects you're trying to capture. Even with a boom, you won't =
be doing this from too far away.
The R=D8DE NTG-2 or Audio Technica AT897 are low-priced (less than $300) sh=
otgun mics that are nonetheless decent. The R=D8DE NTG-3 ($700) or the indu=
stry-standard Sennheiser MKH-416 ($1100) are your best options.
I have not extensively used the H2 and never with a shotgun. You would need=
an external phantom power box that couples the XLR of the mic to the minij=
ack input of the H2, while providing 48V.
Alternatively you could get the Sennheiser K6 System which can be battery p=
owered. The ME 66 "short gun" and ME 67 "long gun" are both good choices de=
pending on how directional you need to be. The K6 + ME66 combo is around $5=
Message: 00.
However the poor -99dB(A) EIN of the recorder is not well matched to these =
microphones. If you were spending this much on a capsule I'd be recommendin=
g the Fostex FR-2LE.
-- robin