Rob Daniels:
> The math is elegant, yes, but the plugs (and app inserts) I've tried
> do not seem to be designed to undo the math except at unity
> settings-- that is-- when no adjustments to the stereo field are
> made. Everyone, probably Adam who started this string, agrees that
> its preferable to use one's original field files, so, for me, its
> pretty much down to the pursuit of phantom plug settings which I'm
> happy to entertain off-list. :-) Rob D.
yeah, the math here is based on unity settings.. that's why it only works i=
n that case.
(Thanks Umashankar).
Why do you care so much about the 'original' field files? Earlier in this t=
hread the relative
volume of the side-channel was discussed, should it be recorded to make a '=
stereo-image, or should it be recorded louder to achieve best saturation of=
the medium?
This discussion shows that there no such thing as an 'absolutely correct wi=
dth' of the
stereo image during the recording stage. The adjustability of the width is =
even one of the
nicest features of MS-recording. So just adjust it to taste and need and en=
joy... ?