The graphic is pre 9/11.
I suspect that we will see a big change in the graphic of air traffic
when new graphics come out. Specifically, Europe to and from the US
spending greater time over canada and cross country tracks using a
more northern route. I wish Canada would complain about this, it
worked for fish and water somewhat better than we were able to do on
our own. MN needs Canada to keep Washington DC in line. We are
obviously unable to do it ourselves as recently seen in the election.
Still the far northwest corner of MN probably still does have some of
the lowest air traffic in the country.
I would agree with you that Itasca County traffic is currently high.=20
I am sure that there are more people flying over Itasca county then
are on the ground on any given day.
--- In Curt Olson <> wrote:
> Thank you for the links to the charts. By my experience, I would
> expected them to show much more activity over far northern
> On any given day in northwest Itasca county there will be almost
> high-altitude air traffic.