Thank you for the links to the charts. By my experience, I would have
expected them to show much more activity over far northern Minnesota.
On any given day in northwest Itasca county there will be almost steady
high-altitude air traffic. It's usually east-west or west-east. I
assume most of it is transcontinental NY/Boston/Toronto/Detroit to
Vancouver/Seattle/Portland and the like. Noise is somewhat muted of
course, but it will mess up an otherwise good recording. Of course,
there's always logging and vehicle noise to deal with. I'm guessing
there are few truly tranquil spots left anywhere that a nature
recordist would want to be.
The area I frequent is also designated as a military air operations
area, which means that sometimes I get treated to air combat training
missions -- F16s from the Duluth Air National Guard base fiercely
chasing each other from horizon to horizon. Those mock battles can
certainly break the rare moments of tranquility, but they never last
too long and I find them very interesting.
Curt Olson
John Hartog wrote:
> I might as well throw this in.
> I was looking around for information on flight tracks, and found this.
> The bottom set of Cumulative Flight Statistics shows a days worth of
> flight activity across the united states.
> Noise tidal waves?
> JH