In a message dated 10/17/02 12:22:30 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
> . I will be using the MP2 with the portadisc some of
Dear All,
Has anyone tried Saul Mineroff's SME-BA 3? Does this perform the same
function as the MP2 or am I talking of apples and oranges.
John V. Moore Nature Recordings
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
>From Tue Mar 8 18:22:51 2005
Message: 1
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2002 11:40:38 -0400
From: "Steve Pelikan" <>
Subject: Audio editor/ DSP feature suggestions
I'm putting together a progam that will perform audio editing and signal
processing procedures and would appreciate any suggestions for features to
be included --- especially features that would be useful for dealing with
natural sounds. The goal at first is to provide procedures that aren't
generally available on currently distributed programs. Since people use a
variety of editors --- what are the most useful features of your favorite
The program is writen mostly in Java so that it shouldm run on ost
platforms. It will be sufficiently modular that others can easily
add/contribute code. I'd be particularly interested in hearing from someone
who could contribute Java/C/C++ code to design (higher order) FIR/IIR
Three other features I plan to include, and would appreciate hearing about
other implementations of are
1) A WYSIWYG graphical spectrogram editor that lets you "paint out" a noise
using the mouse and then transforms the sound back to time domain.
2) A multi channel processor that computes the bearing and distance to a
sound source.
3) A biaural recording to speaker playback opimizer.
But ANY suggestions would be appreciated.
Steve Pelikan