98SE can handle 512M, though system performance degrades after 384 as the
operations become very noticably slower.
and oh yeah, hello all. My name is Zach Scribner and I'm new to the list. I
work with Dan Dugan who is also on this list. I help out at the NSS field
workshops, do some music/field recording on my own and am an electronic
music student at San Francisco State.
thanks for an awsome list.
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>From Tue Mar 8 18:22:39 2005
Message: 4
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 17:51:58 -0400
From: Walter Knapp <>
Subject: Re: MS OS versions?
richpeet wrote:
> I am looking at upgrading Win98 2nd edition to XP professional.
> Ignoring driver avail. as that is a separate issue.
> Can anyone tell me if I will have an increase or a decrease in
> efficient processing of sound files on an older computer???
I don't use PC's for sound work, but a few general comments. Sound
processing is shoveling huge amounts of data around. And doing it fast.
The two best things you can do with a older computer to improve it's
processing of sound files is to upgrade the HD's to significantly faster
ones, and add more real memory.
The third might be a faster processor, but that would highly depend on
the speed of everything else, particularly bus speeds. This would
primarily allow more simultaneous filtering, if you are set up for that.
The main job of the OS is to get out of the way, so it tends to not be a
big influence. Win 2000 & XP are MS rolling in Win NT to replace the DOS
based version. Win NT is a swiped version of unix in it's core. I've
been testing original mac OS against OS X, which is BSD unix. The OS
makes little difference in processing, the fact my test machine is a
dual 1GHZ G4 against my 400MHZ G4 makes most all the difference.
Initially, the ATA drive in the new machine slowed it down, very
noticeable improvement occurred when we added Ultra 160 SCSI drives. The
unix base in OS X does get in the way a little more, the OS is more
reluctant to hand I/O over to a program than the Mac OS was. If XP is
the same way, that might create some problems.
I use Win98 in my mac PC emulator, and Win2000 Pro in my Sony laptop.
Just looking at those two, no way I'd stick with Win98 if I had the
opportunity to move up. The newer OS has a lot more smoothness to it,
and that translates into a lot of time saved. My guess is, barring some
real glitch that moving up won't change your actual sound processing
much but a bunch of little changes in how things work may make it a lot nic=