No I am not arguing that.
I am saying that it is not a simple binary bullets vs bullets case.
Relative to the existing risks, birdwatchers are a lesser risk; frequency x
All birdwatchers have an empathy for their quarry for a start. Yes I know you
can quote the exception but again consider the statistical risk.
Mitigating the major risks is in the best interest of the birds.
Chris Charles
Licole Monopods <>
> On 11 Aug 2015, at 2:57 pm, Eric Jeffrey <> wrote:
> There is an obvious fallacy to that argument, which should be clear once
> explained.
> What you are arguing is that if a species can hang on through 10 hazards it
> can hang on through 11. That is like saying if you live through 10 bullets,
> the eleventh can't kill you.
> Eric Jeffrey
> Falls Church, VA
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Aug 11, 2015, at 12:50 AM, Chris Charles <
>> <>> wrote:
>> Paul,
>> Yep just a little irritated too.
>> I understand that the researchers want to keep their site free of
>> disturbance. I don’t have a problem with that.
>> But the implication that birdwatchers are a major concern & are discouraged
>> from western Queensland is a bit silly.
>> For a bird that has hung on despite years of cattle, cats, dogs, mustering
>> vehicles, roo shooters vehicles, fires,etc, you would think that even the
>> most over enthusiastic cack-handed birdwatcher would be the least of its
>> worries.
>> Independent finding of other colonies must be a useful.
>> But on the bright side, the sub species of ‘photographer' hasn’t been
>> singled out this time!
>> Chris
>> Chris Charles
>> +61412911184
>> Licole Monopods
>> <>
>> < <>>
>>> On 10 Aug 2015, at 11:14 am, Paul Dodd <> wrote:
>>> Yes, tremendous news!
>>> As usual, however, the article (twice) mentions hordes of obsessive
>>> bird-watchers, initially when discussing John Young's original discovery:
>>> "The location was kept secret to protect the population from poachers — the
>>> bird is so rare it could fetch hundreds of thousands of dollars on the
>>> black market — and to avoid an onslaught of obsessive bird watchers who,
>>> without realising, could present equal danger to the fragile habitat."
>>> And again, with an apparent quote from Steve Murphy:
>>> "Hours from the nearest neighbouring property, the land space is so vast,
>>> it’s hard to imagine anyone being so lucky as to find the bird without
>>> expert knowledge but Dr Murphy said it would not stop obsessive bird
>>> watchers and poachers from trying."
>>> I've never considered myself particularly thin-skinned, so I wonder if it's
>>> just me - but this attitude is really starting to irritate me.
>>> Anyway, I'll leave that for now. Since the gist of the article is that Bush
>>> Heritage Australia is leading the conservation effort for the Night Parrot
>>> (initially at the request of the farmer on whose land JY found and
>>> photographed the bird), it might be best to look at their web site. There
>>> is a great section on the bird and the recovery efforts and also some video
>>> of the release of the captured bird.
>>> Here is a link to the Bush Heritage site:
>>> And, in case the link gets truncated, here is a shortened version of the
>>> link:
>>> Paul Dodd
>>> Docklands, Victoria
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Birding-Aus On Behalf Of
>>> Murray Lord
>>> Sent: Monday, 10 August 2015 6:33 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: [Birding-Aus] Night Parrot captured and videoed
>>> The Australian today has a story about the first Night Parrot to have been
>>> captured by researchers. If you’re not a subscriber, try a Google News
>>> search for “Looking for a Night Parrot in a Haystack?”
>>> Murray
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