Oh come on Joe!
"no chance of escaping or getting away." !!!! You have to find it first,
or it did get away!!
And some people (take Kevin Bartram as an example) are simply awesome at
that compared to most people. So I say it has all the elements of
sportsmanship. Highly variable skills, the chance of incredible
discoveries, the potential to see and learn about things which are
normally inaccessible, and it can have value for conservation purposes
as well. I used to love walking beaches looking for corpses - could be
very exciting and keep you fit as well!
Cheers, Chris.
On 06/10/2014 11:06 AM, Joseph Morlan wrote:
On Tue, 10 Jun 2014 08:20:07 +1030, martin cachard <>
I think it's pretty simple really, & I've always been puzzled when records of
dead seabirds for eg are counted as records but observers in the main don't tick
it seems very inconsistent to me - a record is a record, surely!!
I suspect it's because ticking is not science; it's a sport. Counting dead
birds is not sportsmanlike because the bird has no chance of escaping or
getting away.
It would be like a hunter claiming "credit" for shooting a duck that was
already dead?
But ultimately it's your list unless you are in a competition.
Chris Corben.
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