Several aspects are wrong with this video, the first one being that the ground
has been covered in snow for at least a week here in Montreal. The second thing
is that this eagle is not a golden, the white patches on the wings does not
correspond to any stage of a young golden eagle plumage. It has been suggested
that it could be a Steppe Eagle or an hybrid, common in falconry. The child is
probably a doll, I think it's a well staged hoax!
Eve Bélisle
Montréal, Canada
Sent from my iPhone
On 2012-12-19, at 06:48, Carl Clifford <> wrote:
> It is certainly a bit of a curates egg as far as videos go, which is why I
> qualified with "seems genuine". There are parts which look kosher and parts
> with an aura of shonk. I guess the only way to know is for someone to do a
> proper forensic rip down on the original of the clip. It is the sort of clip
> which brings many "experts" out of the woodwork.
> Carl Clifford
> On 19/12/2012, at 22:00, Wendy Cayless <> wrote:
>> Seems it is a fake
>> http://wtvr.com/2012/12/19/viral-fake-out-golden-eagle-snatches-kid-is-cgi/
>> Wendy
>> http://twitter.com/WendyJoy
>> http://wjcsydney.wordpress.com
>> http://kiva.org/invitedby/wendy2641
>> From: Carl Clifford <>
>> To: Birding-Aus Aus <>
>> Sent: Wednesday, 19 December 2012 6:43 PM
>> Subject: [Birding-Aus] Golden Eagle attempts to take child
>> Dear B-A,
>> Interesting footage of a Golden Eagle attempting to take a toddler in a park
>> in Montreal, Quebec. It seems to be genuine.
>> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CE0Q904gtMI
>> Cheers,
>> Carl Clifford
>> =
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