Hi folks,
I suspect that the combination of La Nina, strong northerly winds along with
associated storm activity has resulted in an exceptionally high number of
Asian vagrants turning up this austral summer on Cocos. There are only so
many species that are likely to migrate even under the current unusual
conditions. My guess is that 2010/11 summer will be prehaps a once in a
lifetime to see so many new Australian birds to add to one's list.
As yet , Jack and I can not logistically and financially get over there
unfortunately and I ,at least, admit that I am extremely jealous and would
prefer to be twitching rarities than cleaning up here again after round 2 of
our floods in Bundaberg (again fortunately not through the home).
Anyway, it is fantastic that Bill and Eileeen are fine and that Abberton
will be back as the birding meca of the Lockyer. Bill and eileen had/has all
3 phalaropes in framed photographs in the home. Hopefully they survived the
Looks like the roads are open and I will be able to make a dash to
Gladestone to investigate the large gull seen near the yacht club. If anyone
else is up that way with news, please give me a bell on 0415 798084
(unashamedly attempting a twitch for no other reason other than I'd like
Black-tailed Gull on my Queensland list!)