Or we could set up "Grumpy Old Birders".....
On 02/02/2008, Carl Clifford <> wrote:
> Alan,
> I don't know really, I mean, seriously, who would want to discuss
> anything with a misanthrope? Or should that be who would a
> misanthrope want to discuss anything with? Apart from how wonderful a
> person is Bernard Black. Ah, the Misanthropes Misanthrope.
> Carl
> Carl
> On 02/02/2008, at 6:12 PM, Alan Gillanders wrote:
> Carl wrote, "Bob, Have you considered joining the Australian
> Misanthrope Society. I could nominate you at the next meeting."
> Carl,
> Perhaps you could set up a list serve for us? Could make the
> arguements on this one look tame!
> Alan
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