You don=92t need a multi-pattern mike for the Side mike. Those can work if =
they have a bidirectional option. But probably what is more practical in th=
is application is a single-pattern small diaphragm bidirectional mike. My a=
ttempts with this technique used a Bruel & Kjaer (now DPA) 4001 omni for th=
e Mid mike in the focus of the parabolic dish and a Sennheiser MKH30 bidire=
ctional for the Side mike behind the dish, facing sideways with its null to=
the dish and its positive polarity side facing left. (David, I=92m glad to=
see I=92m not the only one willing to place mike[s] behind the dish!)
A number of recorders and mixers offer Mid Side decoding to Left Right for =
recording these days. A smaller subset of those let you decode MS to LR int=
o the headphones while recording the undecoded Mid and Side signals. Then y=
ou can decode MS to LR in a DAW app. There are plug-ins available in many f=
ormats for doing that, or you can just do it by duplicating the S track in =
your DAW and flipping its polarity. Pan the Mid track to center, pan the or=
iginal Side track to full left, pan the dup Side track to full right. Link =
the level controls for the two Side tracks so they match. Raise the Mid tra=
ck or lower the two Side tracks to narrow the stereo image, do the opposite=
to widen it.
In the desert, absent wind, you=92re dealing with some very quiet ambis, so=
low noise mikes and recorders will help your efforts there. And a tripod m=
ount for this strange MS dish contraption is advised. Your breath and other=
body noises will be very close to that Side mike if you=92re trying to han=
d-hold the rig.
On Jan 5, 2014, at 4:58 AM, wrote:
> 1c. Re: Parabolic Dish As Center Channel?
> Posted by: listeningfor1
> Date: Sat Jan 4, 2014 10:56 pm ((PST))
> Flawn and David,
> Thank you very much for your responses. I gather that this idea can work=
, but I dance with a world of trouble. I live in the desert, and sometimes=
it's just not possible to get a mic close to the targeted sound. I'm real=
ly interested in a dish, but at the same time, I want to maintain a stereo =
> The M-S technique is an interesting suggestion. I've seen the term, but =
really didn't know how the technique worked. It sounds like I can use one =
of my 4022s for the parabolic dish and mid channel, but I'll have to get a =
multi-patterned mic for the side channel. The Sound Devices Mixpre encodes=
M-S, so maybe this idea is worth pursuing. There appears to be several ar=
ticles on the web about M-S signal processing, so looks like I have some re=
ading assignments.
> Does anyone have a clip that I can hear using the M-S technique in an out=
door setting, maybe a coyote 1/4 mile away in the desert or a raven high on=
a cliff? Have experience using the M-S Link function on a Sound Devices M=
ixpre-D? (Not that I'm being too picky. LOL)
> Thanks again. The advice I get from this group is invaluable, and I hope=
to one day be in the position to return the favor.
> Fred