Hi guys, once again, I=E2=80=99m dipping my cup into the well of knowledge =
within this group. To date, I=E2=80=99ve recorded soundscapes with a pair =
of AT-4022=E2=80=99s configured into a SASS rig, utilizing a Sound Devices =
Mix-Pre D and a Marantz PMD-661. When having the need to record a specific=
sound (bird, coyote, etc.), but still wanting to maintain an ambient recor=
ding, would adding a parabolic dish mic as a 3rd microphone input and mixed=
to the center (ie both) channels of the Mix-Pre be suitable or problematic=
? You can add 2 more line-level sources as Channels 3 & 4 inputs by conver=
ting the Return input (1/8=E2=80=9D mini in). I have a Naiant Tiny Box pre=
-amp which I would use to supply the mic to line level source. I know from=
an electronic standpoint this will work, because I borrowed a friends Senn=
heiser ME-66 and mixed it as a 3rd mic along side my AT-4022s. I am wonder=
ing if the dish will create phase or delay problems when mixed with the lef=
t and right channels? Or, if anyone has tried this, did they feel that ext=
ra equipment, expense and hassle was worth the effort? Ideally, I know tha=
t a 3-channel (or more) mixer and recorder would be best so that you can re=
cord each mic on a separate track. However, that would mean spending a con=
siderable sum of money.=0D
I searched the forum for a bit and couldn=E2=80=99t find any posts addressi=
ng this specific technique. Sorry, if it has already been covered. Before=
I drop cash money on a Telinga, I was hoping to secure the knowledge that =
this will work.=0D
Thanks in advance,=0D
"While a picture is worth a thousand words, a
sound is worth a thousand pictures." R. Murray Schafer via Bernie Krause.
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