Some folks in primatology recommended against parabolas in the past. Parabolas
do differentially reinforce high frequencies or at least those short enough to
be captured by the parabola. More recent discussions (Geissmann in Setchell &
Curtis 2011) those concerns were dropped. High frequencies drop off faster than
low frequencies so the further one gets from one's subject, the less high
frequency one gets relative to the low. You could argue that at distance the
parabola is giving back what you would have otherwise lost.
I don't like parabolas for practical reasons because they are bulky and so
don't fit well into a small kit. If I was going to upgrade. I'd upgrade to a
better Sennheiser. Fits in one's daypack, you can pound your tent stakes into
the ground with it and it will still perform. One issue to at least think about
is comparability. Almost all field recordists I know have used the ME66/67. If
you stay with that microphone, you know other recordings will be very similar.