Where can I find these images, Jos=E9?
David, I tried the moving car method myself, but the road and engine noise =
was so high that I wasn't sure how well the shield was working.
I later read about a method of generating wind for testing mic wind shields=
by mounting the mic on the end of a rotating arm. I assume they also mount=
ed the recorder on it so that there were no problems with cables twisting. =
By my calculations, a 1m long arm rotating at 1 rev per second should simul=
ate a wind of about 6m/second.
Peter Shute
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> On Behalf Of Avocet
> Sent: Monday, 15 October 2012 10:07 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Nature Recordists] DIY suspenssion and wind
> protection for mkh 30/30
> > I would like your opinions on the mount and suspension in the two
> > photos in the album freitojos.
> Test the wind noise by moving the rig on a boom or by running
> with it or by holding it out of a moving vehicle. Try it at
> different angles to a steady wind.