Thanks again, Danny:
I'm taking a serious look at the D50. One thing that stumps me is the recor=
ding format options. It apparently only records in .wav format, but has "MP=
3 Playback." Does that mean it plays MP3s or exports to MP3, or what?
--- In "dannymeltzer" <> =
> I have a Sony PCM D50 and think the mics are quite good.
> If cost is no object I am sure the mics on the Nagra ARES MII are pretty =
> --- In "scratchpaws" <scratchpaws@> wro=
> >
> > Alas, I've been reading the site looking for advice on a field recorder=
with good on-board mics, and the more I read the more confused I get.
> >
> > This is complicated stuff, and I'm bogged down in dbs, bass drop off, n=
oise floors, + and -, and the physics of sound. If someone can help me I'd =
certainly be most appreciative.
> >
> > I'm trying to keep it simple: I need a professional field recorder on t=
he order of the Olympus LS-11 or the Sony PCM-M10 that has the best on-boar=
d mics for recording natural ambient sound in wilderness areas. I'm far mor=
e interested in recorded sound quality than any other consideration.
> >
> > Can anyone help me?
> >