I am not sure what 'CD quality' means other than audio that is put onto a C=
D. 'Quality' is huge grey area and everyone has his own standards and need=
It really depends on what you are recording and how it will be used.
At around $400 the PCM D50 seems to me to be a great value, it's rugged, th=
e mics and preamps are quite good. It does a better job with handling nois=
e than other handheld recorders I have seen.
There are a million handheld recorders, I am only talking about the D50 bec=
ause that is what I have. I am sure others are good as well.
I believe the D50 records in WAV or MP3 formats. I have never used the MP3=
format. You can always covert WAVs to MP3 on your computer. It records u=
p to 24 bit 96 khz which is way beyond CD resolution.
--- In "scratchpaws" <> wr=
> Thanks, Danny.
> It's lookin' like I'm gonna have to step up and do something like the D50=
. I had thought about the M10, but since these recordings will be a commerc=
ial product, I need the best audio I can get.
> I appreciate your help. Since you have the D50, maybe you can field this =
one as well. I've heard that such recorders---the Olympus LS-11, Sony M10 a=
nd D50---produce "CD quality" sound with the on-board mics. Do you have an =
opinion on that?
> Thanks
> --- In "dannymeltzer" <dannymeltzer@> w=
> >
> > I have a Sony PCM D50 and think the mics are quite good.
> >
> > If cost is no object I am sure the mics on the Nagra ARES MII are prett=
y good.
> >
> > --- In "scratchpaws" <scratchpaws@> w=
> > >
> > > Alas, I've been reading the site looking for advice on a field record=
er with good on-board mics, and the more I read the more confused I get.
> > >
> > > This is complicated stuff, and I'm bogged down in dbs, bass drop off,=
noise floors, + and -, and the physics of sound. If someone can help me I'=
d certainly be most appreciative.
> > >
> > > I'm trying to keep it simple: I need a professional field recorder on=
the order of the Olympus LS-11 or the Sony PCM-M10 that has the best on-bo=
ard mics for recording natural ambient sound in wilderness areas. I'm far m=
ore interested in recorded sound quality than any other consideration.
> > >
> > > Can anyone help me?
> > >
> >