> So I've slowly been experimenting with different techniques by
> making simultaneous recordings in different outdoor environments and
> of different kinds of subjects. The effort is paying off well for
> me, and perhaps others can benefit from my failures (and occasional
> successes). So I've collected and posted a few examples on a web
> page, which I will try to update with new recordings from time to
> time. Most of the recordings are decidedly unspectacular,
> intended primarily to expose the similarities and differences of
> the images produced by different mic configurations when used
> outdoors. Mostly, through, I hope to encourage others to do the
> same; my individual effort is really quite pale in the grand
> scheme of things, limited as it is by my talent, equipment, and
> rapidly diminishing inclination to carry lots of stuff with me.
> My sample clips, for what they're worth, can be found at
> http://www.crypto.com/audio/soundscapes/ .
Matt, thank you very much for your instructive study.
-Dan Dugan