thanks for all the advice - have been spending the last few days
making various test recordings & emailing back & forth with Joe at SD.
To clarify - in the field I use a couple of different hphones - both
never show up issues with any other mics & the important thing to
note here is that this crackle is not audible when recording or
playing back via the SD anyway.
I've made recordings using different mic pairs borrowed from various
folks here in Prague & with the NT55's & it's only the NT55's that do
it. But have also tested these mics in a studio & there is nothing
wrong with them. So right now it looks like either an issue with the
SD or something 'up' with the settings for these mics. I doubt it's
an issue with the computer or the headphones - running it through
wavelab it's possible to 'see' the crackle as being on the track.
It's a real pizzle for sure. If anyone out there has an SD & could
suggest settings that they have used for NT55's with perfect results
recording very silent things that would be helpful - I can then
record using those settings - perhaps that would help !
again, thanks for all your help thus far.