Posted by: "Tim Nielsen"
> One reason for this is too that 'processing' of the signal, in the
> computer, in the digital domain, benefits by working in 24 bits.
I think this is part of the confusion. The question that's been rattling
along is if it's better the original field recorder records in 24 bit.
It's a separate question what bit depth your sound editor uses as it
does not have to use the same as your recorder. You cannot use what
happens in computer sound editing as a argument for a 24 bit field
recorder, in other words. The recorder's ability ends with the raw audio
file it produces out in the field.
I, for instance, have used a sound editor that processes sound files in
32 bit floating point calculations since way before there were even 24
bit field recorders available. I record in 16 bit ATRAC, which as I've
mentioned is a variable bit rate system about equivalent to 20 bit fixed
sampling as far as dynamic range goes. But my editing is 32 bit.
Of course we could start another long argument over the sound of files
edited with floating point vs fixed point. (Others could, not me)
I will completely agree that greater bit depth in computer processing of
audio is of value. But, the recorder is a different question, the
difference is small at best and usually masked by subject or choice of
the rest of the equipment chain. You would do better to spend all this
agonizing over your mics, for instance. Or even your mic location. Both
of which make differences that are audible to just about everyone
regardless of how they play it back.
That's what a lot of us have been saying. In the perspective of the
overall sound quality in Nature Recording it approaches a tempest in a
teapot. Note carefully, I said Nature Recording, recording in a studio
or concert hall of music and such like is a different set of techniques
and goals and applying what music recordists do to what Nature Recording
should do, or even claiming that being expert in music recording makes
you more knowledgeable in Nature Recording is very questionable.