Looks very interesting and I do not know anyone playing with this
product for a recorder.
There are too many holes in my knowledge to build a product out of
this computer so I will contribute by giving my oppionion.
There are many recorders entering the market but there still are no
good inexpensive 24 bit affordable "frog loggers". This is a device
that can be programed for "time on", "time off" multiple custom times
per week. This would allow us to place recording units in the field
to capture sounds and return to pick up the captured sounds.
I would love such units for spring migration bird dawn chorus captures
and have been approached as well by the Breeding Bird Survey people as
well. Obviously, the Frog people would like such a unit as well. You
can see past threads from Bat people wanting a high sample rate unit
with timed capture as well. Also on a customer list are the people
that monitor night bird migration location calls. The list goes on
for possible customers.
Let us know if you make progress.
--- In Abhijit Menon-Sen <>
> At 2006-12-14 15:35:25 -0000, wrote:
> >
> > To my knowledge, the best A/D converters chips that are currently
> > available provide a dynamic range of up to about 123 dB (broad-band
> > rms): http://www.asahi-kasei.co.jp/akm/en/product/ak5394a/ak5394a.html
> Has anyone considered hooking up a high-quality ADC (maybe not this one)
> to a Gumstix board (http://www.gumstix.com) to build a recording device
> that records to flash, is small, not too expensive, and yet offers good
> audio quality?
> -- ams