>As your recordings are going to be played back through headphones and
>you want to fool the listener into hearing "more" as they are going
>on the tour , how about doing the recordings Binaurally?
>A simple method is to just put a pair of lapel mics on a tree trunk
>6ft up thats approx. the width of a human head. (not the real way but
>sounds great!)
Interesting idea. Although there is a problem with at least one of the
sounds I will be capturing - the kangaroo sound for instance will have
to be captured in an open paddock - the only place you can reliably
capture them. I have one in mind where the kangaroos tend to gather in
the early evening.
You would have to get very lucky or be very persistent to have a roo hop
past a randomly chosen tree in the forest.
Is a 'lapel' mic (pardon my ignorance) the kind of thing you could use
to capture voice with as well?
I am needing to choose two (identical) mics for voice recording with two
of the md machines. This will be in addition to a seperate stereo
ambient rig. If there is any possibility the voice mics I choose could
be used in the way you suggest then I would then have the basis for a
second ambient setup of the type you have proposed.