Duh! Yes, of course, Audacity. And there it was in my Applications
folder, totally ignored and forgotten. My question was mostly out of
curiosity, not serious interest. My laptop ProTools system rarely ever
leaves the studio, and never goes on field recording outings. It's just
too cumbersome for my style. For now -- at least until I can justify a
722 or something like it -- I'll stay with some combination of Minidisk
and old reliable Sony porta-DATs, which are lightweight, sound good and
run on AA batteries.
Curt Olson
Lou Judson wrote:
> Well, frankly, I have only tested it, and always use my Mbox. I am
> just not comfortable recording in anything but Protools. I have never
> even recorded in Peak - which I own and use a lot for many things as
> well as PT.
> For field work, I've used Minidisc, Masterlink, and now, almost
> exclusively, Sound Devices. I was very excited to realize I could use
> 2 gig Compact Flash cards and an inexpensive reader to transfer and
> upload to the Mac, and then work in Peak or PT as needs dictate.
> Expensive but that is where I have been working...
> Simpler and Cheaper, that is Audacity, which I have but have not done
> much with yet. Free is as cheap as you can get!
> http://audacity.sourceforge.net/
> That and iMic would be my choices for doing recording on the cheap!
> <L>
> On Sep 6, 2005, at 5:39 AM, Curt Olson wrote:
>> Lou Judson wrote:
>>> Perhaps if you want an input device (soundcard again incorrect term)
>>> for less than $50, try the Griffin iMic - it works flawlessly for
>>> me:
>>> http://www.griffintechnology.com/products/imic/
>>> Just a suggestion...
>> An interesting suggestion indeed, Lou. Any thoughts on a mac
>> recording app for this little device? I would guess Peak or
>> Tracktion, but can you suggest anything simpler or cheaper that's
>> decent (for capture only and later import to ProTools)?
>> Or am I considerably better off dragging along the Mbox?
>> Curt Olson