I'm with you, Charles - I count by ear common birds on my month list, or a =
trip list, but life list must be visual - just my opinion!
Charles Bragg <> wrote: I wish I could hear a b=
it more of the file too. This song is not the primary song of *any* of the =
possibilities. Any of the possibilities does sing at this time, even if the=
Bewick's sings less often. It could be a young bird, which muddies the wat=
er even more. My 90% rating of Bewick's is based on the wren-like delicacy =
(compared to Song Sparrow), and the enormous variation in Bewick's calls co=
mpared to any of the others.
This is why I have only counted one life bird by sound. It can be d=
one, but in birds like this where there are many songs and even imitations =
going on, I gotta see it to count it.
-- Chuck
Chuck Bragg, Pacific Palisades, CA
Membership, Newsletter, Web manager
Santa Monica Bay Audubon Society
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"Microphones are not ears,
Loudspeakers are not birds,
A listening room is not nature."
Klas Strandberg
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