At 03:02 AM 8/20/2005 +0000, Mark Fischer wrote:
>Dear all,
>I'm trying to find a 'mystery bird' that I was able to record in the
>pre-dawn hours (not enough light to see, even when he's only 20 feet
>away) here on the Sacramento river last Spring. If you have a sec',
>listen to:
Definitely a wren, and I agree with Martyn - Bewick's Wren. It's a =
common bird for the area. They have a million calls and this is probably on=
e of the less heard ones, but at least it doesn't sound like a House or a M=
arsh Wren either. I'd say 90% chance it's a Bewick's.
-- Chuck
Chuck Bragg, Pacific Palisades, CA
Membership, Newsletter, Web manager
Santa Monica Bay Audubon Society
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