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Re: Database

Subject: Re: Database
From: Jeremiah Moore <>
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 09:40:09 -0700
I use Filemaker and have for ten years.  The file format is 
proprietary, though it's very easy (and scriptable) to import and 
export to any ordinary format.  Also incredibly easy to customize. 
The other big plus is that it's totally cross-platform, which access 
is not.


>My 2 cents on database.......
>I use Microsoft Access because I believe it is the most permanent database
>available. I have almost 7000 recordings cataloged on my database and I
>can't afford to loose this list. I keep it backed up on cdr so a hard drive
>failure won't wipe me out.
>It is simple to use and easly modified if you want to make any changes.
>When I retrieve a particular recording it quickly tells me on which of my 50
>cdr backups it can be found.
>I can't emphasize enough the dangers of using a brand of software that may
>not be around a few years from now. There are probably other cataloging
>software programs that will out perform Access but this superior performance
>could end up being a deadly trap. Software companies come and go but I
>believe Microsoft is the best bet for permanence there is. Note that I am
>not particularly a big fan of Microsoft but I feel it provides the safeest
>cataloging there is.
>Again this is my 2 cents worth based on my personal needs and experience.
>Jim Morgan
>Acting Moderator
>Nature Recordists e-mail group:
>Personal Photography:

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