At 11:20 AM 6/21/2004 -0700, Jim Morgan wrote:
>I would agree if you replace the word "Some" for "Any". A case in point was
>my attempt to export my Paradox db files to Access. Even with expert help we
>were unable to do it.
Well, blow me down! It wouldn't even dump ASCII files? Sounds like
Paradox wanted to keep every customer for life. (BTW, did you ever try creating
an text-only report (no formatting and therefore no control codes) that instead
of printing on paper you printed to a file using the "generic text-only
printer" driver? I had to do that a couple of times on an old IBM system.)
>ALSO a particular db may export today but a few years down the road, maybe
That's interesting. Unless one "upgrades" I don't see how one could
lose a program attribute. Which brings up another of the Happy Person's
Computing Rules: Never Upgrade! (aka, If It Ain't Broke.....) Upgrades are the
leading cause of user suicide.
-- Chuck
Chuck Bragg, Pacific Palisades, CA
Membership Chair
Newsletter Editor
Santa Monica Bay Audubon Society:
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