From: Geoff Sample <>
> The whole system is in a transitional stage, since the database is not fully
> developed yet (but working now). And the tape stage will disappear next year
> (which currently provides for first level storage and archiving). I know
> there are weaknesses in here, but I figure that having all the notes in a
> database form allows for future flexibility and improving efficiency. It's
> also essential to stop me wasting time by keeping check on just how many
> versions of the Chaffinch's rain call I've got and their geographic
> provenance.
This last is the very reason I got a PDA and Filemaker Mobile. In my
shirt pocket is my database, so when I hear something calling I can
check if it's new for the area or if I found it in that area years ago.
Too much stuff to remember, even if I'm pretty good at that sort of
thing. So, my large database gets selected fields loaded into my Palm
for such use. Took using a script for the transition as Filemaker Mobile
does not fully support repeating fields yet. And Filemaker Mobile 7
won't be out until summer to find out if they fixed that.
I think databases are never completely finished, always something new
you want. One advantage of Filemaker is how easy it is to add new data
types without messing up the current data.