Your mp3 sounds very nice and it has that gentle "openness" typical of SASS
and other omni-binaural techniques. Truly a pleasure to listen to over
What squirrel did you record? Sounds like a Gray Squirrel, but maybe it's a
Fox Squirrel.
> I found on my first attempt that standard 1.5 lb foam rubber was
> letting too much sound through. I have switched to 1' X 1', 3.0 lb
> foam and placed a 1/2" wood barrier in the center. I have holes for
> hanging from trees, it sits well on the ground and picnic tables, and
> I will mount a angle iron shortly for a tripod mount. The mics that
> are not visible are 2 Sennheiser ME 62's.
> I first recorded with it today and found it to be much better. I
> have not done the base run test yet but here is some fun sounds with
> some lost in the mp3 translation.
> photo is about a 200 kb download at:
> stereo sound is a 1.7 meg download at:
> PS If you are guessing what the sounds are of I will be glad to e-
> mail you if you are unsure and want to know.
> --- In Walter Knapp <> wrote:
>> richpeet wrote:
>>> In case anyone noticed that I didn't post the results of the foam
>>> block head stereo baseball field baserun test. The mic failed the
>>> test so I didn't. I am back to the bench. It didn't fail serious
>>> but needs work before use. I will post proto 2 if it works
> better.
>> You may find that test is very hard on stereo mic setups.
>> Be interesting to see what proto 2 is like.
>> Walt
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