Published sightings for the week ending 7 Aug 2011.
Sun 7 Aug
Barn Owl
Manuka Oval
The ACT Barn Owl irruption continues with yet another Canberra sighting. A single bird flew across Canberra Avenue from Furneaux Street and landed in a tree within the Manuka Oval grounds (3.30pm). It was being hotly pursued by ten or so Ravens and Currawongs.
Dan Mantle
Barn Owl
Macarthur House, Lyneham
The influx is showing no sign of letting up! Prue spotted this one, either ill or asleep, outside glass doors at the Northbourne Avenue entrance into Macarthur House. This was about 1530 hrs, Frank Antram reported it was still there at 1625. Mc House is on northwest corner of Macarthur and Northbourne
Steve Holliday
Sat 6 Aug
Diamond Firetail
Curtin Horse Paddocks
We saw a male and a female Diamond Firetail at about 7.30 am they were carrying grass to the nest and one or both went into the nest with
the grass.
Today (Sunday 7 Aug) after lunch we went back and I took these photos of the nest but we didn't see either birds.
Judy Corp
Barn Owl
At 14:05 this afternoon a cacophony of Galah, Corella, SC Cockatoo, King
Parrot screams along with the other vigilantes of the shire caused me to
dash outside to investigate. They were escorting a Barn Owl from north
to south towards Turner.
Speckled Warbler, Diamond Firetail
Mulligans Flat Nature Reserve, Gungahlin
Speckled Warbler (1) and Diamond Firetail (2) were the highlights of a quiet Mulligans Flat. One Brown Treecreeper heard.
Alastair Smith
Fri 5 Aug
Barn Owl
A tired and harassed looking Barn Owl around the Immigration Dept / Belconnen Churches center buildings on Benjamin Way. Very likely the same one reported in Florey. It tried to rest on the ground and on a ledge on a building, but the magpies & ravens kept harassing it. It continued east over the bus interchange.
About 9:45am.
Duncan McCaskill
Barn Owl
Local park off Challinor Crescent, Florey
Single bird observed at around 9.30 am perched in the outer branches of a young Red Box, being shadowed and occasionally dive-bombed by several Pied Currawongs and Magpies.
John Brannan
Southern Boobook
Macquarie Oval
Southern Boobook calling at 05.45 from somewhere in the vicinity of Macquarie Oval
Frank Antram
Thu 4 Aug
Barn Owl
Lennox Crossing ANU UPCCC
This morning at about 1040 a loud squabbling was heard at the ANU UPCCC on Lennox Crossing, but it was not the kiddies for once. A mob of about a dozen ravens was attacking a terrified looking barn owl. It performed aerial acrobatics trying to fight off the persistent ravens. The toddlers stood in awe, being quiet for once.
Margaret McJannett
Wed 3 Aug
Southern Boobook
Araba St Aranda
18:50 in a big gum, calling pretty much continuously so easy locate tree. Harder to find high in the foliage, using a torch.
Rick Kuhn
Varied Sitella, Western Gerygone
Mt Ainslie lower slopes E side
6 Varied Sitella feeding actively in eucalypts above mixed flock. 1 Western Gerygone heard calling while observing mixed flock. Record submitted to COG DB
Martin Butterfield
Tue 2 Aug
Black-shouldered Kite, Little Corella, Brown Treecreeper, Restless Flycatcher
Tharwa Sandwash, Geigerline nature reserve
Black-shouldered Kite (1)
Little Corella (2)
Brown Treecreeper (2)
Restless Flycatcher (1) Male
Alastair Smith
Mon 1 Aug
Southern Whiteface, Grey Currawong, Jacky Winter, Flame Robin
Newline Paddocks
After a quiet start in the fog, Newline came alive this morning with 49 species recorded in just under over two hours.
Highlights were:
Southern Whiteface (4) Carrying nesting material, Jacky Winter (2) -carrying food and single Grey Currawong (1). Also recorded were
Flame Robin (6) (males & females) and a single Hardhead.
Alastair Smith
Great Egret
Kelly's Swamp & Jerrabomberra Wetland, Fyshwick
Great Egret in loose company with a White-faced Heron on the Swamp this morning.
Alastair Smith
Sat 30 Jul
Olive-backed Oriole
Back yard, Chewings St., Scullin
3rd weekend in a row that we have seen it.
David Clark