I wouldn't be too confident of that Paul. The Labor government is on the nose
and will struggle to win the next election (probably should have lost the last
one but the opposition was even worse). They aren't afraid to do deals (see how
Family First got into the Senate) and have already done deals in NSW with the
Shooters Party. This is why the Game Council exists in NSW and now some (all?)
State Forests in NSW can now be used for "conservation hunting" (ie shooting
ferals). This was despite opposition from many people, including State Forest
workers who see the risk to visitors with no probable outcome for conservation
(hunting ferals always seem to have a sustainable outcome rather than an
elimination one and so the problem always exists. There has been lobbying for a
long time for hunters to undertake feral control within National Parks, but
hopefully this part at least will get rolled in parliament.
Various ducks (particularly Wood Ducks) and other birds (Galahs, White Cockies
and Corvids) can already be shot in NSW (the former with a licence for "damage
mitigation") and the other without protection in much of the state. Ducks on
rice has always been a bit of a pseudo-duck season even when NSW hasn't had an
open season, but the lack of water has seen this dry up (pardon the pun) over
the last few years. This I suspct is the driver for some of the other "hunting"
- though why you would want to shoot galahs for fun (ie if they are not
causing) is beyond me (but I gues most hunting is beyond me).
Thanks for raising the issue Susan (hadn't seen this one coming) so I will be
keen to find out what the outcome is.
> From:
> To: ;
> Subject: RE: [Birding-Aus] shooting in nationalparks
> Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2009 10:20:35 +1000
> A little bit of bluster from the shooters, I suspect. I presume that the
> Shooters Party made a commitment to introduce this bill as part of their
> campaign platform.
> I can't see that it'll have much hope of getting off the ground. But then
> again we didn't foresee duck hunting being allowed in Victoria in 2009.
> Paul Dodd
> Docklands, Victoria
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> On Behalf Of Susan Knowles
> Sent: Friday, 12 June 2009 10:14 AM
> To:
> Subject: [Birding-Aus] shooting in nationalparks
> The latest from the Shooters Party
> http://www.smh.com.au/environment/conservation/greens-oppose-recreational-hu
> nting-in-national-parks-20090611-c508.html
> Susan Knowles
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