On Sat, Feb 16, 2008 at 11:34:54AM +1100, Paul Burcher wrote:
> It is illegal under the National parks & Wildlife Act to "harm" protected
> fauna in NSW see
> http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/npawa1974247/s98.html
Yes it its illegal to:
"use any substance, animal, firearm, explosive, net, trap, hunting
device or instrument or means whatever for the purpose of harming
any such animal"
but if harming the Bush Stone-Curlew was not the owner's purpose
(intention) I don't think this act applies. I certainly hope it doesn't
as I would be guilty of multiple offences - my daughter's cat regularly
kills Lampropholis skinks, protected fauna under the act, in our yard
[ I discourage this and owning a cat wasn't my choice].
The Companion Animals Act is suprisingly strict, given the political clout
of dog owners, imposing a fine of "if a dog rushes at, attacks, bites,
harasses or chases any person or animal (other than vermin), whether
or not any injury is caused ". So the owner of the dog that killed the
Bush Stone-Curlew could be fined up to ~$1000 under this act.