Hi Paul,
The Bush Stone-Curlew is listed as 'endangered' not 'vulnerable' on Schedule
1 of the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act.
It is a sad indictment of western society that our lives are so self
centred that an inoffensive bird such as the Bush Stone-Curlew is not
capable of surviving in a site close to habitation. I like dogs but I
wouldn't own one as I think that the obsession with keeping pets of all
types is a luxury the planet can't afford, leaving animal welfare
considerations aside. We only need pets because we aren't capable of living
in harmony with the free and wild 'pets' that are native to this amazing
continent. I get as much satisfaction from having the King-Parrots, Satin
Bowerbirds, Geckoes, skinks, frogs, bats etc. etc. in and around our home
than I would from any domesticated pet that requires constant care and
attention and that would detract from my enjoyment of my real 'pets'.
I even have a Martin's Skink that likes to hide under my pillow. It leaves
less hairs than a dog would and there is no apparent smell!!
Greg Clancy